We at Big11India, value our users/players, and hence encourage them to play responsibly. Big11India.com takes immense pride in providing a responsible and enjoyable experience to its users/players; by taking preservative measures which keep our users/players away from disagreeable situations that may arise while playing the ‘game of skill’. Our committed team monitors users’ activities to alert them if we find any signs of addictive/compulsive behaviours.
With an eye towards responsible play, we have established certain preventive measures:
We don’t authorise users below 18 years of age to register & play on Big11India.
We have a super-mobile surveillance procedure for games on our platform to detect any possible fraudulent activities.
We have an active anti-collusion environment on our platform to maintain fair play.
We employ remarkable encryption techniques to prevent security features and protect our users’ details.
A Guide to Responsible Play
Occasionally, players may find it difficult to recognize that their online play is getting uncontrollable. A usual reaction is to cut down, hide or deny such problems and the harm it is causing. Some people will go as far as lying to themselves about how much money or time is being spent on online playing.
Following are a few of the best practices to assist you play responsibly:
Play in fairness and only for entertainment.
Do not play with the intent to make money or a solution to your financial problems.
Never run after your losses during playing.
Put aside an entertainment budget.
Keep tabs on the time and the amount of money you’ve spent.
Balance the time you spend on playing fantasy sports with other recreational activities.
Recognize whether you are not playing dependably
Here are a few indicators that will help you find out if you’re not playing responsibly. Do you do any of the following:
Do you spend more time and money than you intend while playing these games?
Do you feel ashamed while playing online tactic-based games?
Do you tend to invest more in order to win back your losses?
Do you miss/avoid important things in life such as work, family time, leisure activities, and meetings to play games?
Do you ponder upon your gameplay all day long?
Do you often get into arguments with friends/family regarding your playing habits?
Do you steal or lie to get money to play games?
Has playing games adversely affected your professional life?
Have you experienced a rise in stress, depression or panic attacks during playing these games?